What's in a name?
The Oxford dictionary puts it this way: “a word or set of words by which a person, animal, place, or thing is known, addressed, or referred to”.
A name matters primarily because it is how something or someone is known.
What’s in a brand? By definition, it is: “a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name.” Following this pattern forward, a name is a way to address or refer to something and a brand is a product manufactured under a particular name.
These definitions help shed light on exactly where ZOOM International is headed this summer with our elevēo brand.
For over 20 years, ZOOM International has been a leading Workforce Optimization software provider in the Contact Center industry. Very early on, we were approached to solve a compliance problem with call recording. We built a creative software solution in record time, and began a journey crossing continents, employing hundreds of people, and eventually improving operations, compliance, and customer experience for thousands of customers.
Over time we earned an 88 NPS score from customers for our world-class support and innovative WFO products. We believe this is a direct result of our core purpose; to create great customer experiences and serve the needs of others: employees, partners & customers. The ZOOM International brand has served us well.
So, why change brands now? As with all strategic business initiatives, there are many reasons, but here are the most impactful:
- Our software platform strategy has culminated in a new native cloud foundation for our products, opening-up new services, products, pricing, and subscription models. With a new, improved platform, and product capabilities, we felt it deserved a fresh name and look.
- Brand recognition matters a great deal to every business. Despite our efforts, the landscape for ZOOM has become so crowded and hazy that projecting a clear beacon of differentiation has become challenging.
- It is time to update. Every now and then you buy new clothing styles, paint a room in your home, or buy a new car. The ZOOM international of 20 years ago is a very different company than today. ZOOM is adapting to new business and market needs, serving a broader audience, and innovating quickly.
Effective June 2nd, 2020 ZOOM International will begin solely doing business under the elevēo brand name. All ZOOM International manufactured software products, and solutions (including OEMs) will be developed, marketed, sold, and supported under the elevēo name. The company is now and will continue to be ZOOM International, and is not changing its legal name, retaining all contracts and agreements as is.
Along with the name, we have a new logo, representing our modern approach to software and service-oriented culture:
Our colors have changed too. You will see more black, gray, and blue
Black, symbolizing strength and sophistication.
Gray, symbolizing refinement and dignity.
Blue, symbolizing trust, and loyalty.
In summary, our entire suite of products, services, marketing, messaging, and collateral will fully migrate to the elevēo brand this summer. Our new brand will carry on the rich ZOOM traditions of serving the needs of others, providing innovative solutions, and leadership to the market.
Learn more about elevēo at www.eleveo.com and stay tuned for big changes.
Barry Williams -VP of Product & Marketing
Elevēo, a ZOOM International Company